Athens Chapter - Focus the Nation - January 31st, 2008!

"Global Warming Solutions for America" ; "Our World, Our Future, Our Choice"  



 Total Attendance of Events


 Total Number of Votes (No. of individual votes below)


1st (213)


Cleaner Cars, California Style

For the United States as a whole, adopt California’s standards requiring a 23% reduction in global warming pollution from new vehicles sold by 2012, and a 30% reduction in global warming pollution from new vehicles sold by 2016.


2nd (186)


Build Green: Carbon Neutral by 2030

By 2030, require by law that all new buildings in the US be “carbon neutral” (no net emissions of global warming pollution from fossil fuel combustion).


3rd (182) 



Support Stronger Forests

Prevent CO2 emissions and remove atmospheric CO2 through forest conservation, management and restoration. Include forests in cap & auction system, allowing the trade of forest emissions reductions that are real, additional, verifiable, and permanent.








Invest in the Clean Energy Revolution

To provide the low-cost climate stabilization tools that today’s young  people will need in the near future, the US government should invest $25 billion dollars per year in public research, development & diffusion (RD&D) of clean energy technologies.









Create New Jobs, Save Energy

Create one million new jobs by saving energy. Support job opportunities including audits, retrofits for buildings, and installation of solar hot water systems. Create a Clean Energy Corps to employ training graduates from high unemployment regions, providing pathways out of poverty.


6th (127)


Get Efficient – Cut Energy, Save Money

Rapidly implement the fastest, cheapest climate mitigation resource- home, business and industrial efficiency.


7th (126)



Tax Global Warming Pollution


Place a tax on each ton of carbon dioxide (CO2) embodied in fossil fuels. Set the tax high

enough to initially stabilize nationwide emissions, and then have the tax rise over time,

generating teady cuts in pollution. Use tax revenue to (1) compensate lower income Americans for higher energy prices, and (2) to assist impacted workers, especially in coal mining.


8th (124)



Jumpstart Low Polluting Biofuel

Set the emerging biofuels sector on a sustainable basis through: (1) A Low Carbon Fuel Standard that sets a goal for reducing carbon intensity in the total light and heavy duty vehicles fuels mix by 10 percent by 2020, and (2) Mount a major effort to research, develop, demonstrate and deploy sustainable biofuels feedstocks and technologies.








 No New Coal Plants Without “Capture and Sequestration”


Avoid or delay the construction of new coal power plants by

maximizing the opportunities to increase energy efficiency and to generate clean power

from rnewable sources. To the extent that coal use is unavoidable, only allow

coal plants that capture and sequester their emissions in geologic formations.


10th (82)



Cap CO2 Emissions, Auction Permits, Share

Revenue with All Americans


Cap total carbon dioxide (CO2) pollution emitted in the US through a

system of a fixed number of permits; auction the permits to emitters; use

auction revenue to (1) compensate lower income Americans for higher energy prices,

and (2) to assist impacted workers, especially in coal mining.